Wednesday, November 6, 2013


It's hasn't been a week yet, so this isn't late right?!

This year we had a Brave princess and a hunter...but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Scott asked RTC when he wanted him to be serve with the WatchDOGS at school and Halloween was chosen. So Scott spent Halloween at the school. If you don't know much about the WatchDOGS program you can go here and find their Facebook page. They're a great organization helping to get more dads, step-dads, uncles, grandfathers into the schools. This year Scott split his time between am Pre-K & 3rd grade. Next year he'll have to have 2 separate days...

Then that night it was trick-or-treating. I've started an online degree program that has mandatory Thursday night meetings, so he was on his own with Merida & Jase Robertson. 
  • The girl didn't want to wear a wig so we sprayed her hair red...
  • Not sure if this is much of a costume for him (other than the facial hair & wig) as he had the pants & shirt...

Bottom line - they met up with some friends and had fun...and those things are what make great memories!

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