Friday, April 5, 2013

Easter Weekend

Yes, I'm aware I'm almost a week late. Such is life...

We actually celebrated Easter all weekend long starting with Good Friday. LNC's day care is great in that they still have an Easter egg hunt. It usually is held on their enclosed playground, but due to the rain last week it was held in the kids' classroom. Here's my girl...I had to laugh because as I watched her she would go past the green, orange or blue eggs and only pick up the pink & purple ones. What a silly girl!!!

Then on Saturday we headed over to our friends' elementary school for our annual egg hunt with friends.

Why Indy came to the egg hunt - I'm not real sure...but they both had a really good time!

Then of course on Easter Sunday we went to church and had a great service. It was a great end to a great weekend. So glad the tulips lasted until we could take photos!

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