Monday, August 8, 2011


       Wow! Hard to believe this year is now 8 months old. July was busy for us - but I can't think of a time that's not. I know Scott and I are trying to just savor the moments we have! Here are a few highlights of our July...
     I was able to change my employment! I am now working in a much better place. Working for someone I respect who in turn respects me. It's amazing how much better of a situation this is for all of us!
    I had a week off between jobs so we took the kids to the Oklahoma Aquarium. What a treat that was! The kids fed turtles and stingrays. Robert got to pet a starfish, a sea cucumber, a stingray and a shark. Lauren made sure everyone realized they had an exhibit full of fish that looked like Nemo! They had a lot of fun! It's nice that we have something that cool within a short drive.
     My dad has taken ill. He is being treated for Sepsis and has been in a hospital since July 25. He's making progress, it's just not fast. It's hard to believe he's 79 and so recovery is just going to take longer. We're hoping he can come home soon.
    We have so much to be grateful for and appreciate the prayers that have been offered on my family's behalf.
     Here's hoping August will be a little more mild for us all.

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