Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My small town life...

Here's a little bit about me.  I know the blog is titled "the Copeland Colloquy" but at first it's probably all about me, because sometimes that's just how I roll, that and I can't sleep...

I grew up in a very small town.  Actually I grew up in a neighborhood of fifty or so homes 5 miles from a small town.  I lived on an acre of land that was a corner lot and on 2 sides surrounded by wheat fields.  My best friend Shawna lived 1 house away. My family planted what I thought at the time was a huge garden. My friends & I played outside spring, summer, & fall until it was dark and you could hear the moms yelling out the door for you to come home for dinner.  If we wanted something to do on a summer day, we'd ride our bikes that 5 miles to town and then try to convince my mom (who worked) to drive us home.  Our town did/does have a swimming pool that was the main source of entertainment for us on those summer days.  I remember thinking how big it was - now when I see it, I wonder how it ever held so many people!  We had 1 school.  It takes up like 6 blocks or something for K-12.  It may have Pre-K now.  When I started school Pre-K wasn't an option.  When my family first moved to this area there was a program just starting called Yogi Bear Preschool.  It was more like a mother's day out program as it was only 2 days a week for like 3 hours.  What I think is cool, is that I'm still friends with a few of those people.  In Junior High (OK, so maybe in my sixth grade year they were trying to change it to Middle School, either way we all know it as hell) that was the first time you got to pick "electives".  Our options were music or band (gee, if you didn't play an instrument guess what elective you got to pick?).  There may have been options for another hour, but I'd have to consult my cousin on that, and she'd kill me if I called her right now!  Once in high school your options, weren't so much options.  It was choices based on if you thought you'd be going to college or not.  If going to college your choices might be which Algebra I class would you be taking the one at 1st hour or the one at 4th hour.  Oh you want to take a foreign language, Spanish was your choice.  I graduated with 43 other people. Some of the best people I know. Since I was from a small town I was able to be a cheerleader for 3 years.  I was able to be on the yearbook staff (shocking that I like to scrapbook now!) for 2 years. I was able to have a pretty sheltered existance. There are a lot of really good things about small towns...

I guess this worked as an insomia cure. I'll have to pick up here another time...

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